If you are due to go for a hearing test at some point in the near future, then you’ll probably want to be as prepared as you can possibly be. The main way to be prepared is to understand what is going to happen in the hearing test and what kinds of things you can expect. To help with that, we have compiled here some fun facts about hearing tests that should help you to appreciate more fully just what a hearing test is and what you are probably going to experience when you go for one.

There are Different Kinds of Hearing Tests

When you go for a hearing test, it’s not really just one test, but several in the space of one session. Your audiologist is going to be keen to figure out what kind of hearing loss you have, along with how advanced it is, and that means that they will need to check a few different things. So, you can expect to go through several different tests within the one session when you go for a hearing test.

Those Over 65 Should Have One Hearing Test Per Year

If you are aged 65 or over, you should make sure that you are having your hearing tested properly by an audiologist once a year at least. Before the age of 65, it’s just a good idea to have it checked out once or twice, or if you have noticed that your hearing is not what it used to be. But after about 65, it’s time to keep on top of it more, and you’ll find that an annual check-up becomes a normal part of your general healthcare. This helps to keep your treatment as it needs to be.

Your Hearing Will Be Measured in Two Main Ways

During the tests, your hearing is going to be measured in two main ways that are useful for determining your hearing loss and what kind it is, or if it is there at all. One of the measures is pitch or frequency, which is really useful for the audiologist to work out what’s going on for your hearing. The other is volume, which is the first thing that most people think about when it comes to hearing. Both of these factors will provide a pretty good impression of your overall hearing health.

Hearing Tests are Becoming More Common

Our world has become a much noisier place over the last several decades, so cases of hearing loss are continuing to rise. Audiologists are noticing their patients are getting younger and younger, and that people of all ages are coming in for tests much more often than they used to. On the whole, hearing tests are becoming much more common, though that might partly be due to improved understanding of their importance. In any case, you should certainly go for one yourself, if you haven’t done so for a long while. To schedule your hearing test, get in touch with an audiologist at your earliest convenience.