senior patient holding hand to ear

Ototoxicity: Medications and Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can have various causes, ranging from genetic factors and aging to exposure to loud noise and certain medical conditions. One notable cause is ototoxicity, which occurs when certain medications damage the delicate structures of the inner ear, leading to hearing loss. In the case of ototoxicity-induced hearing loss, symptoms may include a sudden […]

side of mans head and ear

Understanding Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Health concerns often come with warnings or gradual changes, but this isn’t always the case with hearing. A particular type of hearing impairment, known as sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL), can occur abruptly, often leaving individuals perplexed and worried. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of SSHL, helping you understand its causes, symptoms, […]

couples drinking coffee in a shop

How Untreated Hearing Loss Impacts Your Career

Untreated hearing loss can cause a wide range of problems in your life. Typically, people only look at the personal impact, such as isolation and loneliness, as they are excluded from conversations with friends and family. However, other issues can arise from untreated hearing loss. Many people discover that untreated hearing loss can also impact […]

hearing loss patient holding hand to ear expressively

What is Noise-Induced Hearing Loss?

Hearing loss can be caused by many different things, some are temporary and some are permanent. Noise-induced hearing loss is a type of hearing loss that is caused by too much exposure to loud noises in long or short periods of time. For example, if you’ve spent years working in a loud work environment and […]

man holding hand to ear

Why Do People Ignore Hearing Loss Symptoms?

When you break a bone, you seek medical attention immediately. Experiencing hearing loss should be no different, but many people ignore their hearing loss symptoms. Untreated hearing loss can lead to mental health issues, decreased cognitive functioning, and extreme fatigue.  With such serious side effects, why do people ignore their hearing loss symptoms?  Hearing loss […]

senior smiling and cupping hand to ear

Top Symptoms of Hearing Loss

An important part of maintaining proper hearing health is being able to detect signs of a potential problem before it becomes a serious impediment. The CDC says that more than 28-million Americans have hearing loss. But, because 75% of people with hearing loss don’t seek treatment, many experts think the true figure may be closer […]