
senior patient holding hand to ear

Ototoxicity: Medications and Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can have various causes, ranging from genetic factors and aging to exposure to loud noise and certain medical conditions. One notable cause is ototoxicity, which occurs when certain medications damage the delicate structures of the inner ear, leading to hearing loss. In the case of ototoxicity-induced hearing loss, symptoms may include a sudden […]

man inserting a tan colored hearing aid to his left ear

The Impact of Assistive Listening Devices

Assistive listening devices (ALDs) are a form of technology that drastically improves the quality of life for individuals with hearing difficulties. They provide a higher level of sound clarity, augmenting the benefits of traditional hearing aids, and making it easier to comprehend and participate in conversations. The Working Principle of Assistive Listening Devices ALDs amplify […]

side of mans head and ear

Understanding Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Health concerns often come with warnings or gradual changes, but this isn’t always the case with hearing. A particular type of hearing impairment, known as sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL), can occur abruptly, often leaving individuals perplexed and worried. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of SSHL, helping you understand its causes, symptoms, […]

senior hearing loss patient in yellow shirt holding a hearing aid device in each hand

Understanding Hearing Aids: Types, Features, and Benefits

Hearing aids are a vital tool for many individuals with hearing loss, helping to improve communication and overall quality of life. With various types and features available, it can be challenging to navigate the world of hearing aids. In this article, we will explore the different types of hearing aids, their features, and the benefits […]

hearing specialist testing hearing ability of patient

Tinnitus and Diet: Foods to Consider and Avoid

While there is no specific diet proven to cure tinnitus, certain dietary choices may help alleviate symptoms or reduce the factors that contribute to tinnitus for some individuals. In this article, we will discuss the potential impact of diet on tinnitus and provide suggestions for foods to consider and avoid. Foods to Consider A balanced […]

woman smiling at her professional hearing examination

4 Fun Facts About Hearing Tests

If you are due to go for a hearing test at some point in the near future, then you’ll probably want to be as prepared as you can possibly be. The main way to be prepared is to understand what is going to happen in the hearing test and what kinds of things you can […]

hand holding a single silver bte hearing aid

Taking a Look at BTE Hearing Aids

If your audiologist has recommended a hearing aid to improve your experience with hearing loss, there are many options you can consider. Besides in-the-ear (ITE) and in-the-canal (ITC), the behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid is one of the most popular devices available. If you want to learn more, you can take a look at BTE hearing […]

hearing specialist holding a tan colored hearing aid

How Hearing Aids Treat Hearing Loss

Hearing aids are one of the most reliable treatment options for hearing loss. But just how do they work? And can they treat hearing loss fully? This post explains more about how hearing aids treat hearing loss.  How Hearing Aids Work Most basic hearing aids work by simply amplifying sounds. These devices contain small microphones […]

couples drinking coffee in a shop

How Untreated Hearing Loss Impacts Your Career

Untreated hearing loss can cause a wide range of problems in your life. Typically, people only look at the personal impact, such as isolation and loneliness, as they are excluded from conversations with friends and family. However, other issues can arise from untreated hearing loss. Many people discover that untreated hearing loss can also impact […]